January 2023 Naturalis Recap

An In-Depth Look Behind The Scenes of a Quickly Growing Health Chain (And Investment Firm)

photo of a person holding a smartphone, studying a monthly recap with a laptop in the background, and some documents containing graphs and a reading glass

Welcome to the world of Naturalis, by Jeweliet Tangen. These monthly newsletters aim to share important milestones, failures, and lessons as we grow our chain of natural health brands (and try to preserve our happiness at the same time). These letters are informal on purpose – they’re not meant as advice. Frankly this is a “humble brag” about all the cool stuff we get to do each month, which will undoubtedly add value to your life by learning from our wins and losses.

Quick disclaimer before we begin, nothing in this document, or on the Naturalis LLCs or The Wealth Map LLCs website or correlating documents, are financial or investing advice. This is simply a newsletter recapping our own experiences. Always seek professional help before making investing or financial decisions.

Now, who is Naturalis?

Naturalis is a chain of all-natural health brands that sell medicines and services such as supplements, IV therapy, and other holistic services. Our online brands range from men’s supplements lines to large CBD brands. Every brand we are associated with has one thing in common – they aim to offer the most natural, un-altered, and effective products available. 

Now, let’s dive in.

January 2023 Naturalis Recap:

  • Reached 25,000,000 impressions with Naturalis advertising since launch
    • CBD and finance are the two hardest industries to advertise in. Ironically, also the two spaces we operate in. So needless to say, getting in front of 25,000,000 people in the first 5 weeks without getting banned or doing things “under the radar” is a huge feat.
    • Lesson: We’ve used really cool advertising companies such as Outbrain to accomplish this – I highly suggest all marketers reading this to look into it. It does require more strategic thinking about long-term conversions than traditional 1-click ads on Facebook, so we’ve also partnered with “Get Emails” which is a software that collects 40-50% of ALL emails from visitors to your website, regardless of if they opt-in. And yes, it’s all compliant. This allows us a much higher capture rate and lower CPA with our customers.

  • Onboarded 2 new investors to Naturalis
    • One of the biggest responsibilities we have as a corporation is to raise capital to continue our expansion. This capital is deployed to purchase existing profitable health brands, because as we all know – buying something profitable is way easier than building something from the ground up.
    • Most of our investors are entrepreneurs who are looking to create passive income streams in addition to their active income from their business. We help with that by offering several investing options, including a passive profit share agreement with regular cash distributions.
    • In December of 2022 we began talks with multiple “institutions” who are interested in funding us at a larger capacity which I take as a huge sign of progress for our startup. Cheers to that

  • Finished Due Diligence on the the chain of stores we are purchasing in Feb 2023
    • This off market deal is one of our best multiples we’ve ever secured in private equity. Negotiations have been going on for 8 months and we have secured a deal at a discounted rate due to this.
    • Lesson:It’s taken me years to analyze what makes good deals happen that would take me too long to list here, but one of the biggest lessons is on the power of genuine relationship building.

  • Hired a new marketing executive
    • We are excited to welcome Micheal Ledres to our marketing team full time, who specializes in advertising in highly regulated spaces (such as finance and health)!
    • Lesson: Hiring new employees generally is a great sign for your business if you can afford it, but people typically forget one key aspect of hiring: having the management to support them. Without this, you end up paying a salary to someone that has no direct manager ensuring they are actually completing objectives, and trust me – many companies (agencies specially) have died from this. 
    • So, with one of the best right-brained, organized people I know leading our operations with several underlying managers in place, we just recently have approached decent management systems. I share this because hiring help isn’t enough to get you places, you have to have clear management systems to make sure they perform. Otherwise, don’t waste your money.

  • Finished all of  2022 finances for 27 corporations 
    • Accounting. Lending. Investing. Education. CBD. Retail stores. eCommerce. Business Management. Those are just a few of the different entities we have to do filings and compliance for. Most people reading this won’t have nearly that complex of a structure. We do it this way because we work with investors, which has very specific SEC guidelines we follow to help ensure the safety of everyone involved.
    • Lesson: don’t become an active investor. Instead, partner with someone already doing it so you can receive passive cash flow from their efforts. You don’t need another full time job.

  • Finalized interior store layout plan for all of our retail locations moving forward
    • Corporations have spent millions of dollars in research on store layout psychology to optimize for sales. We have been working for the last 3 months of planning our store layouts to provide the best user and sales experience. We are purchasing two new stores in Tampa very soon and will be transiting our locations to meet our new layout plan, optimized for client comfort and sales.
    • Lesson: there is someone who has already done the research. Don’t get an ego about “how” things are done just because you had a specific vision… Marry the GOAL, not the HOW. Understand that you can pay someone else for a formula to solve almost every problem in your business – not just marketing and sales.

  • Major promoters for our new natural supplement line
    • People are the key to everything in life. My networking has been on level 1,000 as I was traveling Europe last fall, and I am proud to say we’ve solidified partnerships with some very exciting names which we will release soon.

  • Added 12 new investing resources to the TWM website here.

JT’s Personal Letter:

Aahhh, my favorite part of these letters is where I get to share the non-business related side of things that went into making all this happen. Trust me, 90% of me wants to vomit from publishing this online because I intend to open up deeply on the personal growth I’m going through, but unfortunately I believe that is where the value is.

Hopefully by now we all know that progressing in your goals requires more than just mindlessly doing the tasks – it takes a specific energy and mindset to pull it all together. So I spent a lot of time over the holidays reflecting on how I’ve changed over the years and how it’s affected things, both good and bad, in my life now.

The biggest realization I had about myself, and I tend to believe humans in general, is that our true base desire is connection.

Our goal to make money is about connection. Our goal is to feel significant, also about desiring connection. Everything.

When I looked at this I had to ask myself why I treat my life like my accomplishments is what will get me more connections – while I’m sat in a room of 100 people and refuse to talk to any of them. Or why when I enjoy someone’s company – but it’s nearly impossible to tell them that. My heart told me what I’m truly seeking, and showed me that I’m going about it all wrong. I needed to deepen my ability to connect with people, which requires WAY harder internal work that running a business.

“But Jeweliet- that’s not related to business or results.”

Ironically, becoming aware of the importance of connections has showed me MANY times in business where I could have led my team better, saved relationships, and done more business with someone if I had more emotional capacity to connect with people. So what I thought was an unrelated issue (desiring connection) turns out is directly affecting my business results as well.

My point is this, EVERY problem is an interpersonal problem- yes, even your business ones. (I highly recommend the book “Courage to be Disliked” which talks about the true desires of humans and how to recognize emotional patterns).

Your ability to lead a team WELL comes down to your intrapersonal skills and your ability to manage your own emotions. Your ability to market something comes down to your deep understanding of people’s motives. Late on a payment and about to get sued if you can’t come up with the cash? Your ability to communicate and genuinely connect with someone can, and has, saved many business people from what they believed would be their death. Anyways, every time I invest into communicating better and building genuine connections, my business and life improves massively – hard to explain why, but trust that it’s been a huge lesson I’ve learned over years. 

Understanding our true base motivations and desires. Opening up to connect with people more deeply to allow for better relationships. Understanding that all problems are interpersonal problems. Those are the key lessons I’ve taken away from this month. Hopefully this newsletter was insightful for you into the world of JT and Naturalis. 

If you’d like to speak with Jeweliet or a member of our team, you can schedule an appointment here. 

See you next month! 

Jeweliet Tangen 

CEO Naturalis & The Wealth Map

Jeweliet Tangen

Hi! I'm Jeweliet, an ex-consultant turned investor. I started my first business while working full time as a waitress at 16 years old and never looked back. Soon, I started "stacking up" cash from the profits of my business and I decided to learn investing so that my wealth could grow even faster. Within 3 years, I "retired" from my business (which I hated) and am able to live fully off of my investments.

Now I teach entrepreneurs like you how to do the same. Because the more freedom we have, the more we can give back. When I'm not working on an investing deal I'm working on my charity #WeRescueKids or taking a few months off on a beach... Because I can do that now 🙂

DISCLAIMER: Nothing found or understood in this video, or in any other herein, should be considered financial or legal advice. We aim to educate everyday people on how investing works and show them how to make smart decisions for themselves. By watching this video, or any other herein, you understand you are solely responsible for your own due diligence with investing.

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