March 2023 Naturalis Recap

photo of a Person Writing In a Notebook, with a laptop and paper with graphs in the background, showing a recap

Welcome to the world of Naturalis, by Jeweliet Tangen. These monthly newsletters aim to share important milestones, failures, and lessons as we grow our chain of natural health brands, while also trying to preserve our happiness. These letters are intentionally informal and aren’t meant to be advice. Frankly, this is a “humble brag” about our accomplishments, which will undoubtedly add value to your life by learning from our wins and losses.


Before we begin, quick disclaimer, nothing in this document, or on the Naturalis LLCs or The Wealth Map LLCs websites, or correlating documents is financial or investing advice. This is simply a newsletter recapping our own experiences. Always seek professional help before making investing or financial decisions.


So, who is Naturalis?


Naturalis is a chain of all-natural health brands that sell medicinal products and services such as supplements, IV therapy, natural hormone balancing, and other holistic services. Our online brands range from men’s supplement lines to large CBD companies. Every brand we are associated with has one thing in common – they aim to offer the most natural, unaltered, and effective products on the market.


Now, let’s dive in.


Naturalis Accomplishments March 2023:


  •  Naturalis raised another six figures in funding!

    • We partner with individuals who want to invest but don’t have the time or skill to do it safely on their own – and this month, we BROKE A RECORD that will allow us to scale even more quickly with acquisitions.
    • Here is how it works: We (our team) buys profitable businesses with pooled funds from investors and do all the work to run the business (like our clinic). The investor (you) receives a profit share from the company accordingly based on how much you invested.
    • Lesson: This is a typical relationship in finance between the “investor” (the one with capital) and the “manager” (the one who’s managing the deal). Both individuals need each other because the investor lacks the time and often skill to negotiate, execute, and manage a deal on their own safely. That’d be like buying your first home with NO realtor or attorney. Even if the investor is confident in their ability to get a deal that produces high returns, this will take at least 15-20 hours a week consistently to complete. That’s a lot of time when you could do nothing and still receive the profit from a business. Now, the Manager often has some long-term goal of scaling that requires a lot of capital which is why they partner with investors; to raise the capital faster. Our goal is to be the largest provider of alternative medicine solutions via clinics and online products, which is why so many investors like partnering with us – for the short-term cash flow and the long-term growth.


  • We launched our new female hormone support line!

    • Our most requested line, by far, is the female hormone support line which naturally helps women detox off of birth control, regulate their hormones, and increase sexual performance. We did our soft launch and had a MASSIVE splash with women – 450% MORE women than we expected! You can click here to learn more and request a free sample. 

    • Lesson: You don’t have to stay specialized forever, but the riches are in the niches. Focusing our marketing on this line, which solves a specific problem rather than pushing our entire general supplement list, has been the biggest reason our launches are so successful.


  • Facilitated four deals for investors who consult with us!
    • The Wealth Map Network is our private club where we help entrepreneurs find their next deal, negotiate it, fund it, and scale it. This also included a private support channel with Jeweliet and the executive team for members to use at will as they progress in their portfolio building. The Network is a lifetime access club to make deals happen, exchange business, and get investing support from the best professionals around who are actively doing what you want to be doing.
    • It’s currently under $1k to join for a lifetime. Last month alone, we paired FOUR deals with investors working with us. Click here to book a call and see if The Wealth network is for you. 


  • Passed testing for our all-natural vitamins & supplements

    • Many scientists and medics believe that humans could and should be able to live an additional 10-15 years longer than they currently are given a small, yet consistent, change to people’s lifestyles involving nutrients and mental training. With the proper nutrients CONSISTENTLY in your body and the mental training to fight off negativity and stress (which doctors also know is linked to heart disease and most cancers), you could be looking, feeling, and living well quite a bit longer. For us, and our customers, that matters.

    • Lesson: Quality products produce quality results, which then produce quality customers.

  • JT to speak on the panel about alternative medicine and CBD

    • Jeweliet is to speak on a panel about how to make a massive profit in the cannabis space. Being one of the youngest operators in the CBD space usually gets us a lot of attention which we hope to turn into die-hard customers and new investors!


From JT:

Welcome to the inside of my brain. This month I have been reflecting a lot on communication. Everything in life comes down to communication – how you make friends, maintain relationships, get deals done, and lead a team – literally everything. This is ironic considering that we never get any training on how to communicate effectively – yet everything rides on it. Without a doubt, the most rewarding skill I have been actively working on is “how to have hard conversations.” Today I will share some examples, skills, and techniques that have helped me become a better, more respected leader. 

Starting my first business at 16 meant most people had zero respect or trust in me. So I quickly learned how to garner that trust through effective communication. I’m not an expert in this field by any means, but I have had to overcome more barriers from being young and operating in highly competitive spaces – it’s forced me to learn how to use my words carefully. Undoubtedly one of the primary reasons why I’ve been able to gain any traction so far has been my active work on communication. In a future newsletter, I will talk about another kind of communication – you to the masses – which is a whole other beast to consider how to effectively “influence” many people’s emotions and actions.

Examples are a great way to teach, so allow me to set the stage. Being in private equity investing, we recently had to pull out of a seven-figure deal we’d been working on for a few months– while keeping the seller happy with us so we could do future business. We wanted them to become a Naturalis vendor, potentially buying six figures a year of our products for their stores – instead of us buying one of their companies. It was not an easy sell since the person had spent a lot of time and money working with us to make this deal happen – the last thing they’d be thinking is turning around and giving us sales when we were supposed to be giving THEM seven figures for their company. We’re talking about the ULTIMATE sales turnaround call.

Here is a bullet list of the skills we used to pivot the deal with the seller while maintaining a good relationship. Some of the quotes here are paraphrased, but the premise of these concepts are VERY strong. 

  1. Preframe. This is the most important and effective step you could take. I call it “emotional anchoring,” which is very similar to the concept of “price anchoring”.

    Most people would start a call like this with, “Well, John, I have some bad news…”… YIKES! As an exercise, start paying attention to the next ten conversations you have – notice how you begin the conversation. If you look closely, I bet you’ll see you have poorly been pre-framing things with negative, stressful, or useless platitudes. Those first 2-3 sentences set the tone for everything after in the conversation – never forget that.

    Knowing we had news to deliver, we entered the conversation by saying:

    “Thanks for hopping on with us today. I know we’ve both been putting in a lot of work on this project, and your time is always appreciated. [Pause]. So with that said, we’ve had some exciting ( emotional anchor) developments on our end and some ideas of how we can better move forward together if you’re open to hearing them? [Pause]. Great, so, as you know, we work with investors, meaning we have to go where our investors feel comfortable and excited to back us. After several months, our investors have identified a deal more aligned with what they are seeking and have decided to go down that path. Although this is not the outcome we wanted as I was really rooting for this deal to happen – we love working with you, and your company is truly outstanding. As I mentioned though, I believe we can still add massive value (anchor again) to your business life, which I’d like to discuss with you. [pause for reaction, let them express emotions, etc.].”

  2. Never, ever, ever lie. But be VERY aware that there is a “positive” way to phrase things and a “negative” way.

    You might not want to say, “We’re backing out because we didn’t think your company had enough potential for us” when you still want to do business with someone. Try rephrasing it to, “We work with investors and have to go where they feel comfortable investing, and right now, they feel more excited about a different opportunity”. 

               This makes sense to the seller and doesn’t make it look like you’re not just pulling out to be an asshole.

  1. Validate their emotions and frustrations. Always take responsibility for your side – withOUT any excuses. A simple “I’m sorry” is better than excuses of any sort, even if they are valid.

    The Seller expressed frustration that they had already paid for contracts and spent so much time working with us; our exact response was:

    “Yes, I can see why you’re frustrated right now, rightfully so. This is very upsetting for us since we also spent a lot of time and money lining this up. The last thing our company wants is to dedicate three months to something and lose it, so we definitely understand. With that said, I believe there is still value we can provide each other with moving forward. I remember our recent conversation that you were interested in opening your own clinics and stocking our supplement line. Our products have a massive sell-through rate which could generate a lot of profit for your business. I am going to send you a full $5,000 order of products that you can put on your shelves and sell, free of charge. That should help you get a foothold in the health space while also generating profit.”

    After this, the Seller’s tone and posture visibly changed, and you could see him re-engaging. This likely means if he sells the free items we give him, he will come back and buy more products from us to stock his shelves, becoming an invaluable vendor for us. But even if he doesn’t, a small gift means he will remember us positively as we part ways.

  2. Offer UNCOMFORTABLE value at the end of the conversation. As you saw above, we went into the meeting with “bad” news about pulling out of the deal and made sure to come with a PIVOT ALREADY IN HAND to offer them.

    We will get them to accept the pivot by offering something uncomfortable – nearly $5k worth of free products. Cheaping out and sending a letter in the mail will not be effective – people see through your transparent attempts to schmooze them. You should also notice that we did not JUST offer to send free products – we took the time to explain how the products will affect their LARGER goals, why we believe this to be a valuable “pivot” for both of us – and therefore why they should still be happy with this outcome.


Hopefully, you can see that throughout that whole conversation, it came down to framing. Specifically, how we framed the “problem” and how we framed the “solution/pivot” as a valuable alternative. This framework is obviously very effective with third-party companies and sales situations where you’re working with some more distantly and trying to ‘manipulate’ an outcome.

Additionally, you can use this same framework with your internal team members and personal life, but with some adjustments. Let me explain.

In internal teams and personal relationships, people have more context for why/ how something happened and whether or not it’s a pattern. That means your explanations of the “roadblock” must be more thorough and honest. A simple brush-off explanation will work with someone you don’t work closely with, but your inner circle is more likely to perceive it as secretive and dishonest. For the best outcome, you will need to invest MORE time with these members in showing them how something happened, even if it’s your fault and/or “not fair”. I mention this because most leaders do this the wrong way. Having a “do it my way or the highway” attitude with their inner circle and providing them with less context, which in my opinion, is a shitty way to lead – most definitely an ineffective practice in the long run.

Let’s say Sally wants a raise at your company but you don’t have it in the budget. Here’s how I’d approach it, “Thanks for bringing this to me, Sally. I 100% want to pay you that amount [anchor]. How do you think we could make that happen within the budget? [pause, let them explain their thoughts/ plans.] Great, we’re talking about a big and exciting raise here. The company will need to find a way to cover that, and the good news is [double anchor] I believe with your help, we definitely can do it! So let’s set some clear steps and goals to accomplish that and lead you to your desired income. [Help them come up with goals/ KPIs]”.

Another common thing is disagreeing with a key operator in your company. Disagreeing with a key operator feels very nerve-wracking as a leader because you know better than leading with totalitarianism and emotions – yet you still need to be able to get the company back into action as soon as possible. It can be tempting to say, “well, you work for me, so do it my way” with people, especially if the stakes are high and pressure is on. We all get emotional and panic at times, but how we respond and lead people to our conclusions is the foundation of how good of a leader we are. ANYONE can ASSIGN orders to people. It’s rare to find people who can LEAD others to the path on their own. This is a far more effective strategy in the long term; as you can imagine, the person feels like it was their idea versus something shoved down their throat.

Occasionally an operator will tell me we didn’t, or won’t be able to, hit a deadline. It can be tempting to get emotional, reinforce the deadline, or “give up” and accept the news. Alternatively, my response is, “What timeline do you think we could hit it at with our current pace?” And then I say, “Okay, now, what other projects could we put on hold for now so we can focus on getting this done by (original date)?”. More often than not, they can find a less critical project to put on hold and free up enough time to hit the deadline. In one scenario, we accepted our fate. On the other hand, we empowered our people to think strategically (they need help with this at times) and find a solution without feeling unheard or pressured (pressure does NOT increase performance).

I could give a million more examples of how I’ve learned to frame things and lead people to my conclusions on their terms. But right now, I want to highlight the effects this skill has had on me:

  1. Sales conversions increased massively

  2. Side income increased (sometimes have to ditch a project, but can almost always lead to passive referrals at the minimum)

  3. Less stressed when a team member has a concern knowing I know how to make them happy even if I need time to find a solution
  4. People respect me more and describe me as “caring” because of my ability to make someone feel heard effectively

  5. Zero bad blood – nobody can speak negatively about me because I always take responsibility and come up with a fair pivot for everyone (usually one that makes me clearly uncomfortable to show them good intentions for the future).

Damn, what a month.

If I’ve done my job well, you should at least have some context into the type of leader I am and the skills I practice which made all this success possible.

If you’re still reading this, there’s a very good chance that you’re interested in investing and leadership advancement.

So you’ll be thrilled to learn we’ve reopened The Wealth Map Network, where you can get private portfolio planning, highly profitable deals, and low-cost funding options. Most importantly, direct support with my team and me to use at will throughout your investing life.

Think of it as a “club” with a free lifeline included 🙂

I’ve opened my calendar personally to chat with you about the future of your business life and investing. Yes, you’ll be speaking with me (Jeweliet) directly.

Don’t be a passive leader – be one that takes action and invests in a long-term future. I can help make that easy and highly profitable by the end of this year. So let’s chat, friend.

Schedule with Jeweliet now.

Thanks for reading & subscribing. See you next month!


Jeweliet Tangen 

CEO Naturalis & The Wealth Map

Jeweliet Tangen

Hi! I'm Jeweliet, an ex-consultant turned investor. I started my first business while working full time as a waitress at 16 years old and never looked back. Soon, I started "stacking up" cash from the profits of my business and I decided to learn investing so that my wealth could grow even faster. Within 3 years, I "retired" from my business (which I hated) and am able to live fully off of my investments.

Now I teach entrepreneurs like you how to do the same. Because the more freedom we have, the more we can give back. When I'm not working on an investing deal I'm working on my charity #WeRescueKids or taking a few months off on a beach... Because I can do that now 🙂

DISCLAIMER: Nothing found or understood in this video, or in any other herein, should be considered financial or legal advice. We aim to educate everyday people on how investing works and show them how to make smart decisions for themselves. By watching this video, or any other herein, you understand you are solely responsible for your own due diligence with investing.

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